Monday, August 19, 2013

What about women?

Little girls often find themselves day dreaming about becoming a “mom”, a career women, a wonderful sportswomen or even greater things like being a queen.
Are some of these realistic, one never knows these days.

The one thing that women can be sure of, is that God made them a specific way, and if they align to God’s way the rewards are great—like experiencing love, having great joy, blessed with contentment and every other blessing God has for women.
Men often throw their hands up in frustration because “they can’t understand women” but actually women are quite easy to please….

 As the saying goes “treat them like a queen and they’ll treat you like a king”… Well, what does this mean in depth… there is no space to chat about it in this edition  but who knows, maybe soon.

 Shan Cade


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