Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby Amanda

From our home based care team of Thunyiwe and Nora comes the following poem highlighting the joys, the sadness and the hopes of Ethembeni's Ministry. Each week over 65 families affected by HIV are supported by seven teams. Please pray for them.

Baby Amanda…………..
On one of our visits one Winter morn
In the beam of sunlight to keep herself warm
Was a woman who greeted us with a smile
And in her arms she was holding her child
I looked at her baby and tried to assess
What her age was ~ about 3 months, I guessed
But already her first birthday had come and gone
So clearly something was very wrong

Tears welled in my heart at the state she was in
Undernourished, underdeveloped and painfully thin
Mealie meal porridge diluted with water
Was what this poor mother was feeding her daughter
On milk formula given the babe would not thrive
Desperately her Mom tried to keep her alive
An emergency plan must quickly be made
To save wee Amanda who suffered from Aids

By phone the advice of a dietician was sought
A lactose free formula had to be bought
Expensive though this is for any poor mother
An alternative to this there was no other
Baby Amanda would certainly die
Unless we did all to save her life

Daily a difference we’re starting to see
As this new feed with Amanda agrees
She’s thriving so well and grows each day some more
And her mother acknowledges it’s the work of our Lord

Before we knew her she was a member
Of the cult that follows the teachings of Shembe
To see God at work, she’s been so inspired
That to know Jesus more is what she desires
With her we spoke about Him and we prayed
To trust Him forever, the commitment she made

Amanda is special but we cannot know
How long she may live or how well she will grow
But now that her mother her life has surrendered
In God she has new hope for herself and Amanda

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hamba Kahle Bruno and Selma

Thursday 17th September 2009 was a day where God reminded us of His love for all who serve in His name. Bruno and Selma van Der Riet were "retiring" from ministry after 8 years of sacrificial service. Jesus love was tangibly felt by everyone including special guests Vanessa and Philip Tromans, June and Ruth Bremner. The Freedom of Mpophomeni was conferred on Bruno and Selma by Thembelihle Nzimande after worship from the Ethembeni choir. Pictured is Dudu, Nellie and Khonziwe praising Jesus and the van der riets for the love we share. Francina Mina, everyone's favorite "gogo" had a final word by saying she looks forward to meeting with Bruno and Selma in heaven to discuss their "udondola's" i.e. walking sticks. Hamba Kahle Bruno and Selma. Your have served well and we thank you.