Monday, June 29, 2009

MAC AIDS Leadership team visit

Monday 29th June saw 14 hope builders from all over South Africa visit Ethembeni as part of the MAC AIDS Leadership program. Each of these 14 inspiring and determined Africans are going to implement an AIDS prevention plan in their community. We shared with them our joys and challenges especially by advocating that Jesus be the centre of all interventions. His love is lasting and transformational! Amen.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Mpophomeni Talent Show

On Thursday 25 June the Mpophomeni Family Centre hosted The Mpophomeni Talent Show. The turnout was massive (400 children and their teachers) and everyone had to pay for their ticket to get in. This was a big succes and all the proceeds of the day will go directly to the Mpophomeni Family Centre.

As you can see, Lisa was on the team the very strict judges, together with Samke, Zwe, and Bongani

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mpophomeni Clean-up Day!

We are organising the Mpophomeni Clean-up Day on the 29th of June!

The Ethembeni Organisation is dedicated to work as 'green' as possible and to teach our children and staff to care for our communities and to raise everyone’s awareness to take care of our planet. We sort all our waste and all major disposable reusable items end up in the appropriate recycling bins. Litter especially is an eyesore that despoils our community.

Accordingly, Ethembeni is organising a Mpophomeni Clean-up Day on the 29th of June where all staff and children of the Family Centre and Ethembeni are encouraged (and rewarded) to take part in our Mpophomeni Clean-up Day. We have selected the field in front of the Family Centre as our designated Clean Up Area as it will look great over the next Holiday Club period.

We are thrilled that our uMngeni Municipality have partnered with us and that they will supply all the resources we need for our day. Their Recycling Staff will be on site to help and guide us and they will provide us with bags and gloves and, very importantly, will remove all the waste we collect.

It’s currently winter in South Africa and residing in the mountainous region of KwaZulu Natal it gets very cold! Homes are not insulated nor is there any heating and many kids come to the Family Centre in the only clothing they own, which is their summer clothes. That is why we have decided to reward all participating children with a warm hat with Mpophomeni Family Centre logo embroided on it for all children who take part in this fun filled day. See our dog Harry with the hat!

Be on the look out for the photos of the kids on our Mpophomeni Clean-up Day, as always on this blog!

Mdu’s presentation at the Family Centre

Mdu’s presentation at the Family Centre

Last month the Family Centre was visited by Mr Mdu Mchunu from DUCT. DUCT is the Duzi-uMngeni Conversation Trust and is dedicated to the environmental health of the uMsunduzi and uMngeni rivers. Lisa, Lindiwe and I met Mdu in March at a meeting from DUCT in Howick and the four of us started talking about the issues with our environment and specifically in Mpophomeni.

Mdu joined us all at the Family Centre for the whole afternoon to speak about Environmental issues and to raise the children and staff's awareness of our precious environment. Mdu gave a very interesting and interesting presentation titled “My area is my Environment” and all the children were very involved and engaged which was so inspiring as we need our children and staff to be aware and cautious about our environment and their and our future.

This presentation ties in with Ethembeni's ambition to care better for our environment and to raise everyone’s awareness to take care of our planet. Accordingly, Ethembeni is organising a Mpophomeni Clean-up Day on the 29th of June where all staff and children of the Family Centre and Ethembeni are encouraged to take part in our Mpophomeni Clean-up Day.